Sunday, April 13, 2008


The classified announcements are the announcements of which all the right businesses are begun. These small announcements, relatively cheap, give nascent an opportunity to make publicity of their product or service without losing their shirt if the announcement does not throw or people down do not break her door with the demands for her product. The classified announcements are written according to all the advertizing rules. What is said in a classified announcement is just as it is said in greater, an elaborated type more of announcement, except in condensate form.

In order to begin to learn how to write good classified announcements, to shorten ten type publications of the order by mail of form ten of the classified announcements diverse - the announcements that you think are quite good. To stick each of these announcements on a separated leaf of the paper.

To analyze each of these announcements: How the writer has attracted his attention - what on the subsistences of the announcements his interest - you are you stimulated to want to know more on the product than it was fact publicity - and finally, what action you must you take? All these points are covered in the announcement? She is how strong “turned” you by each of these announcements?

To classify these announcements in a one scale to ten, with ten being the best one according to the formula than I have given him. Now, as soon as for the practice, without shortening the announcements, making the same thing with ten diverse announcements of the catalog of the rooms or Penney. In fact, each announcement you now see the ignited form she analyzes, it quickly, she somewhere classifies and it in his scale. If you practice east exercise on a regular base, you soon will be able to quickly recognize the “points of energy” of any announcement that you see, and knows within his own mind if an announcement is good, of bad or another way, and what does so.

To practice by one hour every day, to write the announcements that you have classified 8, 9 and 10 exactly because they have been written. This will give the “sensation him” of the fundamental ones and will work necessary in classified announcements of the writing.

Its following project will be to select what you consider to be the ten “worse” announcements than you can find in the sections of classifieds. To shorten these towards outside and sticking them on a leaf of the paper so you can work in them.

To read these announcements during a pair of times, and then next to each of them, they write a short commentary indicating because you think that you are bad: Lost in the crowd, it does not attract the attention - it does not carry out the reader interest - nothing special to do that the reader wants to own the product - no demand for the action.

You probably know since she is coming later, and that correct one. To operate those pencils, rough drafts and paper of scratch - and beginning that rewrites these announcements to include the elements that lack.

Every day for the month pr'oximo, practice that wrote the ten better announcements by one hour, as soon as the way was written original. To select ten of the worse announcements, to analyze those announcements, and later to practice rewriting of those until they measure until doing the work that were thought to do.

Once you are satisfied that the announcements that you have rewritten you are perfect, they again leave within each announcement and cross the words that can be eliminated without the detracción of the announcement. The classified announcements “conclude almost always” in the style of a telegram.

EXAMPLE: I will arrive in the evening at 2 the morning,

fifteenth. To find me in Sardi. All my love, Jim.

CORRECTED TO SEND: They arrive 2pm - tenth fifth - Sardi.

Love, Jim.

CLASSIFIED ANNOUNCEMENT: To save in its accounts of the food! Reduced

prices in each shelf in the warehouse! Action for above now whereas

the sources are complete! Advanced inside today, to Jerry

Supermarkets of the family!


Everything stipulates appraised! Limited sources! Haste!

Markets of Jerry!

Dedicated and regular practical taking, but you can do it. To recognize and to understand simply the basic formula - to practice reading and writing the good ones - and the reescritura the bad ones to make them better. To practice, and to maintain in her, repeatedly, newspaper - until the formula, the idea, and the sensation of this class of writing of the announcement becomes second nature you. This one is the UNIQUE WAY to gain masters in good announcements classified of the writing.

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