Monday, February 4, 2008


An excellent and gentle man of my knowledge he has said, "When the fiftieth one percent of voters believe in cooeperation face competition, the Ideal Community cease to be a theory into a reality."

That men should work together for the good of everyone is very nice, and I think the day will come when these things will be, but the simple process of fifty-one percent of voters casting votes for socialism does not work .

The issue of voting is simply the expression of a feeling, and after the votes have been counted there is still work to do. A man could vote and the right to act like a fool the rest of the year. The socialist, which is filled with bitterness, fighting, and the faction of jealousy is the creation of a competition to be held him and all others like him in check. And this opposition is, however imperfectly even a society is obliged to protect themselves against dissolution and a condition that is worse. To take charge of monopolies and operation of the same for the good of society is not enough, and should not be either, while the idea of rivalry is rife.

While I was higher in the minds of men, that fear and hatred of men, and under socialism would not have exactly the same place and the struggle for power that we see now in politics. Society can never be rebuilt until each of its members are reconstructed. The man must be born again. When the fiftieth one percent of voters in his own state and spirit have fiftieth one percent of its current envy, jealousy, resentment, hatred, fear and foolish pride of their hearts, then socialism will be on hand, Until then, and not.

The theme is absolutely too large to have a paragraph, so I just go to content here with the mention of one thing, the danger to society exclusive friendships between men and men, women and women. No two people of the same sex can complement each other, neither can raise or benefit long yes. In general, mental and spiritual mass deformation. We should have lots of acquaintances or none. When the two men are beginning to "say yes to everything," are excursions senility. There must be some well-defined reserve. We are told that in the field of solid steel, for example, the molecules never touch. They never relinquish their individuality. We are all molecules of the Divine, and our personality should not be abandoned. Be yourself, not to mention that nobody needed. His friend is the best way to grow if you keep it a little away. Friendship, like credit, is higher when not in use.

I can not understand how a strong man can have a great affection and compliance with a thousand other men, and called them all by name, but how can any one of these men regard a lot higher than another and preserve their mental balance, not Saber.

Let a man approaching him clutch enough and you like a drowning person, and therefore go. In a close and exclusive men participate in the friendship of the other weaknesses. Most shops and factories that happens constantly that men will have their chums. These men relate to each other and their problems continue to back anything that sympathized with each other, mutually condole. They combine and stand by them. Their friendship is unique and others see it is. It drags on jealousy, arouses suspicion, hatred crouches around the corner, and these men do not like to combine mutual certain things and people. They encourage each other, and their sympathy for sanity diluted acknowledging its problems are real men. Things are out of focus, and a sense of values is lost. It suggests that someone is an enemy that will evolve into one. Soon others are involved and we have a clique. A clique is a friendship gone to seed.

A clique is developed in a faction, and a faction in a fiefdom, and suddenly we have a mob, which is a blind, foolish, crazy, crazy, and ramping roaring mass that has lost the rudder. In a mob does not exist all individuals are of a single mind, independent thinking and gone.

A quarrel is based on nothing is a mistake a fool idea into flames avivadas by a silly friend! And it can become a crowd. Any man who has had anything to do with community life, has noticed that the gang was disintegrating bacilli and the clique always has its origins in the unique friendship between two people of the same sex, they say to each other all the unkind things people are saying Yes ", so that its guard." Beware exclusive friendship! Respect for all men and try to find the good in everyone. To be associated only with the sociable, witty, wise, the bright, it is a mistake to go from the plain, stupid, uneducated, and in the exercise of its own ingenuity and wisdom. You have no favourites giving grow and can be seen both his friend to keep away from him as he does follow after him.

Revere him yes, but it is the natural space and intervene. Being a molecule Divine. Be yourself and give your friend the opportunity to be himself. So, does benefit from it, and how you benefit for himself. The friendships among the best we can do without each other.
Of course there have been instances of an exclusive supplier of friendship that brought us as great examples of affection, but they are very rare and exceptional, which serve to emphasize the fact that it is extremely unwise for men of power and intellect regular exclude his Companions men. A few men, perhaps, that are big enough to have a place in history, could play the role of David to another Jonathan, and yet maintain the goodwill of everyone, but most of us would the bitterness and strife. And this beautiful dream of socialism, where everyone should work for the good of all, it never occurred to the fifty-one percent of adults must abandon all exclusive friendships. Until that day comes there will be cliques, which are grown big names cliques factions, occasional fights and mobs.

Do not lean one, and let nobody lean on you. The ideal society is composed of individuals ideal. Be a man and be a friend to all. When the Master admonished his disciples to love their enemies, took into account the fact that an exclusive love is a mistake. Love dies when it is monopolized. Growing giving. Their enemy is the one who mistakenly why it should not rise above the fog and you see their error and respect for the good qualities you find in it?

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